Sunday, December 31, 2006

Installing Networked Printers - Print Monitor is Unknown Error

When installing a networked printer (in my case the Canon PiXIMA iP3000) you recieve a The Specified Print Monitor is Unknown error.

While i'm not sure if this will work for everyone this is what fixed the problem for me.
1.) Enable UAC (Go into the control panel and type UAC in the search bar then follow through the 'wizard') -- restart your computer when prompted
2.) Install the printer
3.) Disable UAC

Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader 8

Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 won't install on Vista

1.) Run the Acrobat Reader 8 setup file (AdbeRdr80_en_US)
2.) When prompted with the Open File - Security Warning dialog box asking you if you want to run this file?, Hit Start and type %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Netopsystems\temp\
3.) Copy the Adobe Reader 8.0 folder to a destination of your choice.
4.) Run AcroRead.msi to install Acrobat Reader 8 without errors

Update: Adobe has now released Acrobat Reader 8.1 which is Vista compatible

Nero 7 & COM Surrogate errors

After Installing Nero 7 you start frequently seeing COM Surrogate has encountered a problem and needs to close errors.

1.) Download and run the Direct Show Filter Manager from here
2.) Arrange the filters by company by clicking the Company column and scroll down to the filters by Nero AG
3.) Set all the filters that are not already red to 0x00200000 (double click the filter you wish to set, type 00200000 in the Filter merit textbox, click Set new merit, then close the dialog box. Repeat this for the other Nero AG codecs)
4.) Restart your computer

Update: Ahead has since updated Nero to version which solves this issue. The update can be download from